It's no secret everything seems to be getting more expensive these days. Fuel, food, rent, interest costs, clothing, and pretty much all other expense categories.
If you're in Information Technology, you've been experiencing long lead times for new technology due to issues with the supply chain, particularly in China. Network equipment and servers have been especially hard hit. Cisco and HPE seem to have pretty long lead times on most products right now. Nutanix doesn't really have problems delivering their technology however. Just an FYI. What I really wanted to talk about it the cost of running your IT. For the past few years, many IT executives ran headfirst towards the Public Cloud, as if it was some sort of Holy Grail. Now, the reality of what Public Cloud really costs is about to hit home...HARD. You see, when things are going well and companies are making lots of money, budgets are pretty easy. Everyone hires, and no layoffs occur. No one really questioned "moving to the Public Cloud" as a strategy, because it SEEMED to make sense. But now that things aren't quite as flush, businesses are going to look to cut costs. You know where they should look? DIRECTLY AT WHAT THEY'RE PAYING FOR THE PUBLIC CLOUD. Let me say that I'm not "anti-Public Cloud". What I am, however, is anti-not doing your homework. Especially when you can create a Private Cloud at about half the cost of the Public Cloud. You know that not every workload/application is the same, and where it should run is not necessarily the same. You have to look at each workload individually and make the determination of which type of IT deployment serves your business best BY WORKLOAD. What's going to happen when the CEO and CFO come to you and ask for some money out of your budget? Will they be surprised at how much you're spending with the Public Cloud? What if they found out the cost could be about half using Nutanix? What if they ask to see the rationale you used? Something to think about. Let us help you avoid that uncomfortable situation. Call us at 925-217-1177 or email [email protected].
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AuthorTim Joyce, Founder, Roundstone Solutions Archives
November 2024