![]() Every day, I speak with customers and prospects for our business. The business we created, Roundstone Solutions, is all about helping organizations and their IT staff simplify things, modernize infrastructures, and reduce cost. It's gratifying when we're able to do so, which is often. But our toughest job is to get It folks to realize there's usually a better way than they're doing it. Despite what you may think, you don't get extra credit for continuing to do it the "old way", or "the way we've always done things". In fact, over time, that approach becomes a very risky place to be. If your senior management knew you could simplify things for your team and business, you could deliver better service, and do so at a much lower cost than you're currently doing it, do you think they'd be happy? Does your company reward those who "keep on keeping on" or do they promote those who look for the path forward? You know the answer. If you're still using a 3-tier IT infrastructure to run your applications, and the vast majority of you still are, my question to you is "Why?" Why would you deliberately avoid moving forward? Why would you limit your personal and professional upside? Look, we get it. If no one is forcing you to be innovative, you're happy to just keep things running the way you always have. We can assure you, those of our customers who have looked forward and decided to improve their infrastructure are very happy to have done so. They have more time, have happier employees, and a heck of a lot less stress. Plus, they've got budget money to finally get those additional projects going. We can help. We have lots of experience simplifying IT infrastructures. Our website talks about the 3 main areas we focus on. Take us up on our genuine offer to help you see the path forward. Don't keep pushing that boulder uphill.
AuthorTim Joyce, Founder, Roundstone Solutions Archives
November 2024