I've posted in the past about how end users rarely do much evaluating of alternatives before they decide where to run their applications. Instead, it's pretty much "let's keep buying 3-tier from our current vendor (HPE, Dell, etc.)" or it's "the Public Cloud holds magical benefits for all and we should put everything there".
Hey, I'm not saying the end result of your evaluation shouldn't be either of those two options, but if that's the sum total of your "evaluation", you'll be looking for work soon. There are really 4 platforms to run your IT infrastructure; 3-Tier on-prem, HCI on-prem, Private Cloud/SaaS, or Public Cloud. We're almost at the end of 2021, meaning we've been in the new century for 22 years now. But most companies still decide what infrastructure to use for its applications like it was the 1980s or, at best, the 1990s. The new millennium requires a new way to evaluate things. You don't evaluate a Tesla car based on how many miles per gallon it gets, nor do you buy a TV based on how many VHF/UHF stations it gets (IYKYK). I've spoken with many CIOs about this, and I'm blown away that there's not an intelligent evaluation of every infrastructure decision made. But, these are smart people, so I figure there's gotta be a reason. Well, I think I've figured it out...no one is looking at all of the alternatives because THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO IT. Fair enough...I spent some time putting together a new way to evaluate things. Check it out... No one really buys into vendors doing financial analyses of alternatives, because the result is always "buy our stuff, and lots of it". Not a lot of objectivity there. But if it was all about financials, why would anyone put their workloads into the Public Cloud at twice the cost of other options? That tells me it's not about cost, apparently, although if my IT guy ever came to me with a proposal to double my cost, he wouldn't be my IT guy for long. Nope, the right way to do things is by looking at 1) operational factors, 2) organizational factors, and 3) financial factors. We've created a very easy way for YOU to do the evaluation using your own factors, so the evaluation is not biased. Contact us about the Evaluation tool. We'll be happy to provide it and show you have to use it for your own benefit. Unless you still want to be stuck in the 1990s...
AuthorTim Joyce, Founder, Roundstone Solutions Archives
November 2024